HANMAC Student Ambassador Program

Are you passionate about your future career in the care industry? Do you want to share your experiences as a student with others?

The HANMAC Student Ambassador Program is looking for you!

As A Student Ambassador, You will be called upon to share your experiences with future students, alumni and supporters. You will be asked to represent HANMAC at events such as future student information sessions and career expos held in your area.

Student Ambassadors may be conducted out of class time and Ambassadors will not be encouraged or expected to miss any classes.

Student Ambassadors will be required too:

  • Volunteer and assist in various events HANMAC participates in.
  • Provide HANMAC with testimonials about their experience as a student and a student ambassador.
  • Ambassadors will be required to act in a professional manner when attending events.

Entry is open to all HANMAC students. Applications will remain open all year round. If interested email [email protected] with your name and course details and why you would like to be a Ambassador and successful applicants will receive a confirmation email.